Warn your children and pass info to friends! Please pass this on even if you do not have kids in school. Parents should know about this killer drug.

This is a new drug known as 'strawberry quick '.
There is a very scary thing going on in the schools right now that we all need to be aware of.
There is a type of crystal meth going around that looks like strawberry pop rocks (the candy that sizzles and 'pops' in your mouth). It also smells like strawberry and it is being handed out to kids in school yards. They are calling it strawberry meth or strawberry quick.
Kids are ingesting this thinking that it is candy and being rushed off to the hospital in dire condition. It also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape and orange.
Please instruct your children not to accept candy from strangers and even not to accept candy that looks like this from a friend (who may have been given it and believed it is candy) and to take any that they may have to a teacher, principal, etc. immediately.
Kindly pass this email on to as many people as you can (even if they don't have kids) so that we can raise awareness and hopefully prevent any tragedies from occurring.
Nota Berhati Hati Ye...dengan gejala yang ada sekarang
Sumber dari Pakar Senior Consultant Neurologist
Pakar Perunding Kanan Neurologi
Medical Faculty
salam buat semua...kita kena cek ..kelakuan anak kite selalu ye....
Sungguh kreatif ....pelbagai usaha dilakukan asalkan dapat yang diharamkan.
mak eh...kreatif gile. Kadang seronok tengok penjenayay ni...sebeb diorang ni makin lama makin kreatif..huhu
mcm ni pun ade? adeh.. dunia2..
terima kasih..
Zmah..tak naik motor ari nie ke
Khairi..Makaseh ye...depa nie memang kretif...value added katakan
Ya rabbi..kena hati2 ni....minta2 la dijauhkan dari anak2 kita....
ooohhh.. apa lak ni.. toksah ke budak, mak budak pon boleh teruja tengok.. mau terus ngap masuk sulut..
ya Allah.. jauh kan lah dari umat Muslim/Muslimat semua..
terima kasih ye..
Kak Imun..la nak jaga anak susah...kita jaga kat umah je..pi sekolah lain pulak ye
Mulan ...Tq ye mulan..pakat pakat doa ye
bahaya tul sekarang ni ye...
terima kasih sham...kena jaga anak baik baik nuuu
kena berhati-hati ni,
pada ibu bapa yang ada anak bersekolah, pantau & sllu berbual mngenai xtvt mereka kt sekolah ;)
sebab tu penting mak ayah tau ape yg dibuat anak mereka kat sekolah..wah cakap macam dah ada anak pulak..hehe
terima kasih
Siti...tq ye
thanks berkongsi mende ni...
lat msia ade org amik meth ke?
malaysia ada x benda ni> huhu
bahaya nih....hmmm tq for sharing a.luqman..:D
salam kenal.
kena berhati2 selalu
TQ bw blog saya ye ..pak abu ..huhu
mario ...benda baik
Eszol : belum kena,,dah kena baru tahu
terima kasih
nunui joe
atie masrif
Terima ksih Semua ya....
Terima ksih Semua ya....
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